Wednesday 28 November 2012

The simple rules of a complex world

I am very fond of simplification. Some people might call it stereotyping and some would call it broad generalisation some categorisation. Let me explain it to you that I am no expert and that is one of the reasons why I want to do this. I am a textile design student. And sitting in my Digital patterning class one day, I realised , doesn't every single thing in the world fall into some kind of a pattern ? Doesn't matter if I talk about some body's behaviour or the stock market or even natural events, things always follow a pattern. Why is mathematics called a science of patterns? What does one mean when people say ,"history repeats itself"? What do historians look for? They look for a pattern in the past to somehow understand the present and maybe even the future. Why did Einstein talk about the theory of everything? Did he see some repetitive patterns in everything that was around him or everything that he ever knew? Wouldn't it be so much easier if we know the patterns beforehand?

Let me clarify first what a pattern means. Coming from a french word 'patron'. Pattern means a theme of recurring events or objects whose elements repeat in a predictable manner. A 'repeat' might be called as the object or event that repeats itself within the pattern. Now a pattern might be a simple one or a complicated one. The goal is always to find the repeat and recognise the pattern. The pattern might be a random one, but the randomness also might follow some pattern. 

So long cut short, we would not be dealing with complex mathematical equations but would talk in more layman terms. Observing situations and people with the aim of understanding the way they work. Trying to find out the common and the uncommon, putting them in categories and working towards simplification so that we can draw some useful conclusion. Conclusions that may apply to everything in that broad category. These patterns form our life and by knowing them we would be able to know what we do and why we do it. 

When things are looked at individually its hard to understand the pattern, seeing things together can only help in understanding the way things connect and affect each other. The underlying purpose behind all this would be to find out answers to a lot of questions that are in my head and I am sure would have crossed your mind too. In my process of simplification of everyday events , I would analyse things minutely only to give the bigger picture. A clear picture.

" If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" - Albert Einstein

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